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Message from MIPS President
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It gives me great pleasure, as the President, to announce our FIRST e-MIPS 2020 Interactive meeting that will be held on-line between 31st July - 31st December, 2020. You all know already that because of the global Covid-19 pandemic, the MIPS Executive Board has decided to postpone the Seventh MIPS Annual Meeting of 2020 to 2021. I am pleased to inform you that we also decided to hold an on-line educational programme in lieu of MIPS Athens 2020 as an innovative approach to health professional education. The scientific theme is: “Review of evidence-based clinical practice of pelvic floor dysfunctions in the Mediterranean region”.
The scientific programme includes keynote lectures as well as multi-disciplinary modules that were selected from previous MIPS annual meetings to fit in with the core health care provider’s educational needs and patient care priorities in the Mediterranean countries for both male and female pelvic floor disorders. There are 5 interactive webinars and 8 pre-recorded free communication sessions with a video commentary from renowned MIPS experts. The scientific content will be granted CME credits by EACCME. I strongly recommend to our Mediterranean colleagues, whether consultants, fellows, or residents, to use this opportunity of e-learning to further professional development and maintain licensing certification with a consequent positive impact on pelvic floor care and service delivery to our
patients. The technical requirements for on-line participation should be quite simple with the latest IT revolution in wireless networking
and virtual communication.
I would like to cordially thank our Scientific committee, Faculty, Natalia Trotta and MIPS office IT staff for their creativity and dedication to MIPS educational mission. I very much look forward to meeting you on-line from 31st July to 31st December 2020.
Stay safe and healthy!
Diaa Rizk, MIPS President