Venice, Italy | 7-10 October 2019
Venue: Fatebenefratelli – San Raffaele Arcangelo Hospital
School's Director: Roberto Casale
The recognition that a disease or a lesion of the somatosensory system itself can be associated with the experience of pain has been a major insight. The recent change in the definition of neuropathic pain and its role as a descriptor has prompted a reappraisal of how to deliver this topic (EFIC Core Curriculum for the European Diploma in Pain Medicine - 3.2).
The European Pain Federation EFIC School on “Neuropathic Pain” will assist pain clinicians to refine their clinical neurological diagnostic and assessment approach to identify neuropathic pain and to improve their ability to interpret clinical, instrumental and laboratory finding and to establish the most appropriate treatment.
Dr. Roberto Casale
EFIC Pain School, Scientific Director
OPUSmedica PC&R